Major Topics
John is a story-teller. Each presentation is based on true stories of real individuals. They engage the audience and individually prepared and carefully crafted to meet the goals of the event.
Held Back by Nothing Means Never Saying Never
Story-telling designed for organizations involved in the field of disabilities. Perfect for parents of children living with a disability, they leave the attendees with hope that their child will be okay. The presentation is also appropriate for teachers and other professionals to get a glimpse of the whole child, the struggles and challenges faced by the families every day. The stories are compelling, humorous and inspirational.
Removing Barriers to Inclusion and Accessibility
This presentation exposes the roots of barriers to inclusion. The thesis of this presentation is "before you can have an inclusive environment, you must first address accessibility." The economic impact of a more inclusive environment is highlighted as an incentive to investing in accessibility. Designed for organizations involved in the field of disabilities. Perfect for parents of children living with disability, they leave the attendees with hope that their child will be okay.
Additional Topics
Keynotes: Any of the topics listed can be adapted to meet the theme of the event.
Special Education: A wide variety of Special Education topics related to programs and services are available ranging from segregated classes to integration and the reality that exists in schools when it comes to class outings and field trips. Legislation regarding high risk students and those with physical and intellectual challenges.
Putting Fun into Retirement: A humorous look at retirement. Starting a new career, doing everything that makes you happy.