"We will show you the way to achieve a real & sustainable inclusive workplace"
"We will show you the way to achieve a real & sustainable inclusive workplace"

Make the World a Better Place for Everyone
Make the World a Better Place for Everyone
Many years ago John had a son born with cerebral palsy. His positive attitude and perseverance to overcome his challenges changed my life forever. He inspired John to dedicate his life to advocating for all persons with challenges in life.
In the beginning it was serving as a volunteer Trustee on the Rotary Centre School Board (now known as KidsAbility), and then on to running for public office as a Public School Board Trustee.
As an elected Trustee John has served on the Special Education Committee for more than thirty years.
Recognized for his commitment to those with special needs, John received a Cabinet Appointment from the Minister of Education in the Province of Ontario to the Minister's Advisory Council on Special Education. The work of the committee was to bring about change in Ontario schools to make education inclusive for all students, regardless of their physical or intellectual ability. He served the maximum six years permitted under legislation, including one year as Vice Chair.
Always wanting to write a book, John could never quite decide on a topic, or find the spark to make that first attempt. In time he realized the topic was right in front of him......his youngest son!
He went on to publish two books based on the life of his young hero. The books titled Never Say Never (2011), and Held Back by Nothing (2010) were both successes, and opened up several speaking opportunities.
In 2008 he received a second Cabinet Appointment to the Accessibility Standards Council/Accessibility Standards Committee for a period of five years. The Council was charged with writing and review accessibility standards for the Accessibility Standards for Ontarians Act. The recommendations were then submitted to the Minister for review.
John still advocates for changes that will make the world totally accessible for every individual. Accessibility includes changes in every area of society including access to all public buildings and institutions, documents made available for those with sight or vision impaired, persons with language barriers and those who are deaf or hard of hearing as well as individuals with intellectual challenges.
John serves on the Special Education Committee as well as the Accessibility Planning Committee at the Waterloo Region District School Board (Ontario).